Monday, May 21, 2007

Want to Blog Again

Ok its been a few years since I did the blog thing but I read 3 or 4 blogs everday now so I kinda want one of my own again. I just wish I could figure out how to get photos right in the text without me having to read a ton of instructions.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Photo Addiction

Ok I can be somewhat obsessive about some stuff but I think this may be a good thing - all that studying did get me through law school. Anyway my current addiction is photographing my children. They are so beautiful and they change so much and I just can't help but think that my dogs were so cute as puppies but now that they are dogs it is hard to remember all the wonderful details of the puppy. So I take about a million pictures of the kids. I started with a regular old point and shoot camera but I didn't like the quality, then I used the Sony Mavica which was a lot of fun because I could take a zillion pictures but then I didn't have time to print and the quality wasn't all that great. So I took an amateur photo class and got the 35 mm Canon Rebel which I totally love but I'm spending about a gazillion dollars in film and developing - I serious take about a roll a day. So today I got the Olympus digital point and shoot - the basic model. I think it will suit my needs for now of having something other than a disposable in my purse to take pictures of the kids. But what I'd really like to get is the digital body for my Canon Rebel but its $800 and we're remodeling the house so I need to wait on that - maybe Christmas or my birthday...

So I scrap book 0r at least I do in spurts the pictures of the kids but I take so many that its gotten overwhelming. Once the house is finished then I'll get myself organized and really do some great scrapbooking.

I worried that I might die and my kids will want lots of pictures of our life or that I might live for a long time and when I die I'll have truck loads of photographs and my kids will think I'm nuts and they won't know what to do with the bazillioons of photos. Either way, I just can't stop snapping.

First Time Blogger

Everyone has a blog now - from my in the closet former step brother to Rosie O'Donnell. So I though it was time for me to make one too. I've always wanted to be a writer, tried once and had a good start but then took a creative writing class and lost my woody for it, but maybe someday I'll start it again... anyway, I like keeping a diary so this seems like a sort of fun thing to do although I wonder who will ever read it, people I don't know... people I know? What will they think of me. I'm an adult who still feels 13 in my brain but has all the adult responsibilities of wife, mother, lawyer, business owner, employer .... lots of grown up stuff but I can't take myself too seriously. Of course the mother part I certainly do and I don't have a choice about the lawyer stuff. But somehow in my head there is no way that I can actually be 34 years old.